
Logo Project Final-Idol Consulting Business Card

This project had us conceptualize and then create a logo in Adobe Illustrator and use said logo in a business card and on a 3d model. This was really exciting for me because the directive, use a word that describes you, really only left one option for me, Idol. Idol is the title of the realistic fiction book I’ve been writing for the better part of six years. My free time, my thoughts, my dreams, and as seen here even my school projects are dominated by the idea of Idol. Deciding to use lipstick for the ‘I’ and base the concept around makeup made sense both because of my love for hair and makeup and because cosmetics play a large part in the story I’m creating. Overall, I love that I was able to create something that is not only pleasing to me on a personal level but also translates well to a general audience and manages to balance the line between simplicity and visual interest. 


Logo Project-Mood Boards-Author, Expressive, Passionate, Idol, and Pink

The five words I came up with to describe myself were Author, Passionate, Expressive, Pink, and Idol. For Author I used books, different types of writing, and pens. Passionate made me think of fireworks, rocket ships, people stargazing, and lots and lots of colors. I used different types of art for expressive including music, instruments, paintings, and colors like purple and blue. Pink is my very favorite color and I think it says a lot about me as a person, I wanted to use emblematic pink things like lipstick, hearts, and flamingoes. Finally Idol is the name of the book I've spent the better part of the last five years writing. In my mind Idol immediately conjures up clothes, makeup, and hearts.


Canvas Final Project-Strawberry the Unicorn

For our first project we were asked to recreate an inspiration picture using Adobe Canvas. My inspiration was an insprational poster of this unicorn with a background of swirls in the purple and blue used and a large banner reading ‘dream’. Figuring out Canvas felt especially difficult and I decided to do a simple gradient for the background so I could make the unicorn, who I named Strawberry, as detailed as she is. I have a learning disability called dyxpraxia which makes it very hard for me to understand spatial relations and where objects are located in space, integral for understanding how Canvas works.. Considering that, I am incredibly pleased with what I was able to accomplish with this project and this is one of, if not my very favorite project. 


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